Massage Therapy

At Moksha, we are dedicated to providing high-quality massage therapy services that are tailored to each of our clients' individual needs. Whether you're seeking help to manage chronic or acute pain, rehabilitate an injury, or simply relax and reduce stress, our Registered Massage Therapist is here for you. We specialize in a wide range of techniques, including deep tissue, Swedish massage, Lymphatic drainage, Pain management, TMJ release, Myofascial release, Indian head massage for headaches and stress, pre-postnatal massage, C-Section scare release, infant, toddler, and children massage, as well as other conditions such as concussions, and headaches, and aiding in post-operative recovery. Schedule an appointment with us to experience the many benefits of massage therapy today!
What We Treat
Pain Managment
Studies have shown that massage therapy is a safe and effective option for pain management by activating endorphin natural painkillers. With our experienced and skilled massage therapist, you can find relief from chronic pain in a natural and relaxing environment.
We use a variety of techniques such as MPS pain Therapy, cupping, CST, deep tissue, and trigger point therapy to increase blood flow, release tension, improve range of motion, and reduce spasms. Whether you are suffering from chronic pain due to an injury, illness, or life event., Our goal is to help you find relief by reducing stress and improving your mood, to enhance your body's healing system.
Lymphatice Massage Drainage
"Lymphatic drainage massage, also known as manual lymphatic drainage, relieves swelling that happens when medical treatment or illness blocks your lymphatic system. Lymphatic drainage massage involves gently manipulating specific areas of your body to help lymph move to an area with working lymph vessels."
At our clinic, we offer Manual Lymphatic Drainage, a gentle yet highly effective technique for preventing and treating a variety of conditions. From postoperative rehabilitation to postpartum edema, Primary & Secondary Lymphedema, Traumatic injuries, sinusitis, and headaches. Whiplash Varicose Veins
and Scars. we use the latest techniques to promote faster healing and more comfortable recoveries. Contact us today to learn more about how our MLD therapy can help you feel your best.
Scar relese Therapy for C-Section or other sergical Scars.
The goal of scar release therapy (SRT) is to boost catabolism through cellular "repolarization" by applying MPS Therapy simultaneously to both sides of visible (or hidden) scars. The effectiveness of this procedure shouldn't be undervalued, as in many cases, scar release is the single most crucial step in treating the body's chronic pain. Studies on MPS Scar Therapy have shown that with just one session, pain reduction ranges from 75-82%. (IJCAM, OGM). In addition to that we utilize Scar massage and lymphatic massage, for scar release therapy.
Contact us to find out more about how your scar is affecting you.
Injury or surgery recovery
Experience a faster and smoother recovery with our post-injury and post-surgical massage therapy services. Our therapist utilizes a wide variety of Massage Therapy tools and techniques to manage your pain effectively. We use MPS Pain Therapy, scar release therapy, lymphatic massage Drainage, remedial exercises, joint mobilization, cupping therapy, hydrotherapy, CranioSacral Therapy, and much more to ensure that you get the best possible results in your recovery.
TMJ and headaches
The temporomandibular joint is located on each side of the face just in front of the ears and connects the skull to the jawbone. This joint allows you to do things such as speak, chew, swallow, and yawn.The temporomandibular joint disorder occurs with excessive teeth clenching or grinding, stress, injury, head or neck tension, as well as other issues.
Common symptoms of TMJ include tenderness and pain, clicking, popping, or grinding sounds, trouble opening and closing the mouth, migraines, and neck and head tension.'
Are you suffering from TMJ-related headaches and discomfort? We use a combination of techniques like MPS, Craniosacral therapy, facial cupping, acupuncture, and intra-oral massage to target the root cause of your TMJ dysfunction. Our expert therapists will work the muscles around your temporomandibular joint, neck, and shoulders to release tension and alleviate pain. Book your consultation today.
Infant, toddler, and Children massage
Our infant and baby massage therapy treatment is specifically designed to meet the needs of your little one. Not only provide relaxation and comfort to your baby but it can also reduce procedure-related pain such as heel stick and birth trauma, as well as relieve common discomforts such as colic, gassy belly, constipation, and teething. With Craniosacral therapy, we can also help your little one with weak latching, and reflux, decrease stress and unsettledness, promote social interaction, and encourage healthy growth.
Children's massage therapy offers a non-invasive way to help your child overcome various physical and mental health issues. By reducing growing pain, improving sleep patterns, boosting mood and self-esteem, and treating sports-related injuries, Craniosacral therapy helps to address ADD/ADHD, mouth breathing, crowding of the teeth, and much more. Our massage therapists can make a positive difference in your child's life. Schedule a session today and see the results for yourself.